Thursday, May 1, 2008

I'm Back.

Phew, long time no see! I have to say, I have been enjoying the time I have been away, as my distraction is 6 feet 3 inches of great. The time away however, has awoken my need to come back, full of new things to share and a refreshed need for contemplation. It seems "The Turning Page" rests my obsessive mind, allowing for more pleasant uses of my brain waves. For instance, pausing on the lovely effect of a kiss on the forehead when the day ends wearily and the next looms, as busy as the last. (yup, wonderful).

I'll spare you the sappy/sassy details of the last few months, except to comment on just how much fun this dating thing is (I have to say- it's a pretty good time) and bullet a few highlights;

-Discussing the antics of Michael Scott from The Office and reciting lines from Flight of the Conchords episodes makes for great "get to know you" banter.

-Holding someone's hand while driving is great.

-Holding someone's hand, period, is great.

-Getting lost is entertaining, especially when you are within 1/2 mile of your destination and relying on "Trina's Terrible Memory" GPS system.

-Not feeling like I have to be anyone but myself is refreshing.

-Red wine is better when the bottle is shared.

-Finding that I am not at all self-conscious of my body, or feel it insufficient in some way when I am around him, is a very surprising realization.

-In the process of learning about my Gentleman Caller, I have learned as much, if not more, about myself. Who'd have thought?

- Doing regular things like grocery shopping and having old-school Nintendo competitions (we're talking Mario and Luigi circa 1993 here) can make for great dates.

-Doing not-so-regular things like having fancy dinners at nice restaurants and playing games of Risk with your Gentleman Caller and his 15 year old adopted son can also make for great dates.

-Having been alone for so long, I know who I am- and that makes it easy to be true to myself.

-Word on the street, I'm pretty good in the kissing department.

-That is enough for now.

Ok, well now that I am back, I am going to try to keep up with this blog again. I love it too much not to. So here's the plan, Friday morning posts every week, and as many more times as I feel inspired to write- but Fridays for sure. In that spirit, see you tomorrow!


Amy said...

And it only gets better with time! Enjoy!

Amanda said...

Oh, you! I knew you'd find this. And, talking from the other side, let me say that good old fashioned kissing while holding hands with your husband as your eight day old daughter snoozes contentedly? Every bit as butterfly inducing and wondrous as those early days kisses.

Rock on love!