Friday, May 9, 2008

It's Friday, I'm Here!

Ok, so I was going to talk about how proud I am of myself for actually posting today, it being Friday and all.

And then I was going to write about how tired I have been lately. Some might blame it on "boyfriend syndrome" a devastating illness where one is forced to forgo sleep to be in the presence of thine heart's desire. But in fact it is due to allergies, and the ridiculous amount of pollen floating in the air making my eyes and head hurt and filling my body with a "I haven't slept in 48 hours" feeling.

But then I get a call from my GC (aka my Gentleman Caller), and what does he say right before I get off the phone with him, "You're not going to believe what my grandfather said about you. He stopped me in the hall today to tell me, but that is a story for a later time. I'll talk to you later." Click.

WTF!!! Way to leave me hanging man! That is so unfair!

So instead of the aforementioned post topics, I have instead decided to discuss the nerve-wracking experience that is "Meeting His Family".

You want the "get it over with all at once" solution to meeting the fam? Date a man in the food biz. Because then they have "food shows" and since it is a family business, not only will you get to hang with mom, dad, grandpa, and Uncle Bill, but you will also get to try and make small talk with the family's "out of favor" duo, Uncle A and Aunt B! (Fortunately, I met GC's parent's prior to this event, so I wasn't a completely new creature for the whole family to pass judgment on.)

I confess, I did feel a little like a caged bird (of vibrantly colored tropical sort, of course) put on display for sizing up in the departments of singing and twittering, the sheen of my feathers, and the rarity of my kind.

Ok, I am being a little dramatic. But when the man you're dating works for a family business, and has talked about you to co-workers and family alike, it can be a little overwhelming when not five minutes after your arrival, people are distressed over the fact that you were not immediately introduced as GC's "girlfriend" by GC's mother, and have thus taken it upon themselves to inform the entire staff (family included) of the mix-up and of your arrival. Yikes. And that was only the first five minutes!

I suppose the silver lining to this small family cloud, is that it's over. First impressions have been made, for good or bad, embarrassment or delight. I suppose now I just have to threaten bodily harm to elicit his grandfather assessment...Or maybe some more creative form of "information withholding punishment". hmmmmm, I wonder.


Amanda said...

My grandmother was well on her way to leaving us when she met Sean, yet he broke through her haze. Until the day that she died, whenever we spoke she would interrupt me to ask after him. I think this story bodes very well for you, or perhaps I should say for the GC. A lucky guy.


Lara said...

ooh, do keep us posted! i want to know what grandpa had to say. :-P