Monday, June 16, 2008

A great day...

Father's Day started bright and early yesterday morning. The night before was spent in broken sleep tending to the hiking wounds of GC. Did I mention GC is three hikes away from being a 46er? Oh, no? How could I have let it slip my mind? So yeah, my guy is an Adirondack Hiker extraordinaire, he's hiked almost all 46 of the Adirondack High Peaks. If you're thinking, "Wow, that sounds like an accomplishment," you're right. It's pretty freakin hot too.

Anyway, along with doing three peaks in one day, 19 miles total, he was attacked by swarms of black flies. His arms at the moment, render him a freak with dozens and dozens of enormous black fly welts spreading from elbow to fingertip. For anyone who has ever experienced a black fly bite, you know that one is bad enough, he had so many bites he was feeling physically ill from all the venom in his system. What could I do but help tend his wounds?

So he got a back rub and lots of "I feel really sorry for you" looks. By Sunday morning we determined the best course of action was cold compresses. Starting around 7:00 am I was heading back and forth from the kitchen with ice cubes and washcloths to dull the pain. Sadly, I had to leave around 9:00 to get ready for brunch with my father and sister for Father's Day. As I was getting ready to go, he looked at me with these great big, sad eyes and said in a pathetically dramatic invalid voice, "Your dad and sister couldn't possibly need you more than I do right now," followed very quickly with a grin than spread from ear to ear. He is so easily amused with himself. I rolled my eyes, and smiled at the same time. What a punk.

After tending to the "invalid", I headed North to visit with the man of the hour, my dad, and my little sister C-po. We had a great brunch at a local favorite, where to my delight, the vegetarian omelet was not the size of my entire torso and dripping with an excess of greasy cheese. It was moderately proportioned with only enough cheesy goodness to fill the eggs and veggies out a bit. We chatted and gave gifts and enjoyed each other's company in the beautiful New York in June morning. It was a moment I'll remember, for sure.

Post brunch, we headed to the lake where my sister had to work a bit later. We walked along the shore, and stopped into the touristy shops we usually drive by. I dipped my toes in and felt the cool wonder of a glacier lake on a hot day. Delicious. So inspired by the cool water I called up GC and we made plans to come back later in the day for some beach time.

Not a fan of the large crowded beach on the main drag, I have over the years, found some smaller ones to frequent. After going home to grab a suit and my man, we headed back North to the lake and spent three lovely hours chatting on the warm sand and taking dips in the clear-beyond-belief water that proved muy soothing to GC's arms.

We followed it up with a trip to visit my sister at work where she provided us with cold beer, and grilled cheese and fried clams respectively, not to mention the sides of sweet potato fries. Mmmmm.... And then we went home. We talked about some big topics on the ride, but for some reason we both seem to handle the tougher questions pretty easily, despite not always agreeing. It bodes well for future potential disagreements.

And that was the day. Nothing too crazy or out of the ordinary, but lovely in that I spent it with some of my favorite people. What more could you ask for really than a beautiful day, people to care about, and lake. Yes, a good day, a very good day.

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