Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Summer lovin'

This summer has been awesome. And by awesome, I mean so chock full of the GC, traveling, friends, and new, exciting, life-altering plans, I don't quite know where to begin. I know I know... my last post was beyond melancholy. But I have since come back to earth and now realize there are a ton of things I can write about! Case and point, all the fun stuff I have done lately.

For a brief recap, here are the things that are more than worth mentioning from this summer.

The GC and I were given the awesome opportunity to attend a Dave Matthews concert as
VIP concert goers thanks to our friends the Tramps and their friends at The Sagamore.

For a little background, my concert experiences thus far have been from the comfort of a blanket spread across a green expanse until the crowd inevitably tramples the blanket, quickly followed by everyone standing up and getting pretty drunk and/or high. For those of you who don't attend concerts regularly, this means I am almost always sporting lawn seats for concerts. Plain and simple, they're cheaper. So when two VIP tickets were laid in my lap, free o' charge, I was like a kid in a candy store (oh who am I kidding, I was like Trina, my 24 year old self in a candy store). We were directed away from the crowds to our exclusive VIP parking lot with a private on-property entrance, we were wined and dined at the Live Nation Hospitality tent, and then we were escorted to our BOX SEATS where we watched one of the best concerts I have ever seen. Dave played the old stuff I love and new stuff that had me leaving with the idea to buy some new Dave Matthews CD's. Suffice to say to say, it is an experience I won't soon forget.

Shortly thereafter, I also attended my first-ever "fundraiser" with attendees of the "we have more money than we know what to do with" sort. The GC's family business provides food to the school the event was benefiting and thus we were provided tickets. I got to dress up, drink Gin and Tonics, rub elbows with a few Americans who are feeling the great effect of the Bush tax cuts. Pair all that with some awesome food, and really, what could be better?

Now, after some serious elbow rubbing , I also made it to my family camp in Massachusetts not once, not twice, but THREE times this summer. Once with only the GC and I (ooo la la), again with the fam, and for the third time, with my co-workers as a company retreat. To say that it is one of my favorite places to be is an understatement. Just ask anyone who makes the mistake of asking me about it... I could blabber on FOR-EV-ER, in the best way possible of course :)

S0 combine all that with a few visits to the Saratoga Racetrack...

a Yankees vs. Red Sox Game...

a Mets vs. Astros game...

... not to mention the nights out with friends, seeing BOTH my sisters, having my mom visit, and some great dinners out, I don't have many complaints. It has truly been a summer to remember. Stay tuned for updates on the "new, exciting, life-altering plans" Trinabags is moving on up!

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